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What is Load Shedding & How to Be Prepared

In our modern world, where electricity is a basic need, power outages can bring life to a standstill. No one would want that. But at times, in some parts of the world, the demand for power exceeds its supply. 

And in such a case, it becomes necessary to interrupt the electricity supply temporarily. For this reason, it is important to prepare for such scenarios to mitigate their impact on our daily routines.

In our comprehensive guide, we’ll explain the concept of load shedding, explore the reasons behind it and give practical tips on how to get prepared. If anything, rather light a candle than complain about darkness. 

What is Load Shedding?

Load shedding is the deliberate and controlled interruption of electricity supply to balance the demand and supply of electricity within the power grid. It becomes necessary to do so when the system is overloaded, and there’s a risk of total blackout or damage to the infrastructure.

There are several reasons that contribute to load shedding. Here are a few.

  • The demand for electricity is greater than its generation capacity. Load shedding helps prevent total system failure.
  • The power grids may require occasional upgrades, repairs, and maintenance. The grid operator may temporarily shut down certain sections to ensure long-term safety and reliability.
  • Natural disasters such as floods, storms, earthquakes, and hurricanes can lead to disruptions in the power supply. Load shedding may be implemented to prioritize power restoration in critical areas.
  • Regions that rely heavily on fossil fuels for power may experience load shedding when there is a disruption or shortage in fuel supply.
  • Finally, places that experience rapid industrial expansion and population growth can outpace the construction of new power infrastructure. This imbalance results in load shedding.

Effects of Load Shedding

Most of the time, governments and power suppliers will communicate to consumers about load shedding. Even so, the process will still affect homes, businesses, and society. Here are a few effects of load shedding.

Decreased productivity 

load shedding will negatively impact the economy. Businesses experience reduced productivity, potential revenue loss, and increased operational costs. 

Industries such as healthcare, IT, and manufacturing sectors that rely heavily on power supply may face significant delays and setbacks. Similarly, daily routines and productivity in households and the functioning of electronic devices will be disrupted.

Disruption of Essential Services

Essential services such as water treatment plants, emergency facilities, and hospitals will be affected. Power cuts in these sectors will jeopardize medical procedures and affect communications. This makes it difficult to communicate and access these emergency services.

Impact on the Environment

Residents of areas that experience frequent load shedding often resort to using gas generators as backup power sources. These generators only act as temporary solutions, but they contribute so much to noise pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, and increased fuel consumption.

Safety Concerns

Criminals will take advantage of power cuts and disabled alarm systems to engage in crime. Traffic signals may also be affected, and this leads to congestion and accidents.

How to Be Prepared for Load Shedding

Here are a few ways to keep you safe and going during load shedding. 

Keep a backup power source

Having a backup power source will go a long way in reducing the impact of load shedding. It’s always a good idea to invest in solar generators, UPSs (Uninterruptible Power Supplies), and solar power systems.

These act as reliable sources of backup power. And while UPS offers limited backup time, it is useful for small-scale operations when using devices such as computers, modems, and routers.

Solar power systems are environmentally friendly, they reduce dependency on the grid, and they lower your power bills in the long run.

Reduce energy usage during peak hours

It is crucial that you manage your power consumption during load shedding. Consider the following tips:

  • Switch off and unplug electronic appliances and devices when not in use. 
  • Plan activities that consume high energy, such as cooking and laundry, when the power is stable. This will reduce strain on the grid when the demand is high.
  • Optimize your lights by switching to energy-efficient LED bulbs. Also, remember to turn off lights whenever you leave a room.

Use energy-efficient appliances

Efficient lighting, efficient heating and cooling, and energy-efficient cooking. When you use energy-efficient appliances, you reduce your electricity consumption significantly.  

For instance, cooking appliances such as microwaves and induction cooktops consume less power compared to ovens and traditional stoves. Fans, heaters, and air conditioners will ensure proper insulation in your home.

Also, when purchasing appliances, go for those with the Energy Star label. These appliances consume less electricity and save you power in the long run.

Have a plan for emergency situations

Have an emergency plan during load shedding. Keep lanterns and flashlights readily available. Have alternative methods of cooking, such as a stove or cooking gas close by. These will help prepare meals during power cuts.

Stock lots of non-perishable or canned food items, medication, and drinking water to sustain you and your loved ones during such time. Finally, establish communication with family, friends, and neighbors during emergencies.

Designate meeting points, share contact information, and remain updated with local news. All these will help you remain prepared and minimize any inconveniences.

Backup Power Solutions for Load Shedding

Apart from solar banks, here are a few other power solutions for load shedding and their corresponding pros and cons.


Portable generators

Portable generators are a common backup power source. They come in various sizes and types, such as propane, diesel, and gasoline. Here are their pros and cons.


  • They are versatile and can power multiple devices simultaneously, depending on their size.
  • Since they provide instant power, they ensure minimal disruption during outages.
  • They are designed to be portable, and you can move around with them easily.
  • Most are widely available and come in different price ranges to suit everyone’s budget.


  • These generators require a steady supply of fuel for them to operate. This can turn out to be expensive during long periods of power cuts.
  • Gasoline generators tend to be noisy and emit greenhouse gases. This is not environmentally friendly.
  • You need to operate the machines manually. From startup to refueling and shut down, they require regular maintenance and monitoring. 

Solar-power kits

A solar power kit comes with an inverter, charge controller, and solar panels. Like power generators, these are also common backup power sources.


  • Solar power kits use clean and renewable energy. They don’t depend on fossil fuels, and they reduce environmental impact.
  • These save you money in the long run. You only need to install them and let them convert electricity free from the sun.
  • The panels have a long lifespan and require minimal maintenance. This makes them very reliable.


  • The upfront cost of buying solar power kits is very high.
  • They are heavily dependent on the weather. Conditions like heavy clouds and storms limit their effectiveness. 

Solar battery storage systems

Solar battery storage systems consist of an inverter and batteries where energy is stored and converted to electricity. Apart from providing clean power, these devices are also heavily reliable.


  • One of the biggest pros of solar battery storage systems is that they rely less on the weather. They can provide power even when there is no sun.
  • They’re environmentally friendly and promote clean energy.
  • They can be used as standalone backup power solutions or integrated with existing systems.


  • Their storage capacities will determine how much power they provide. It’s, therefore, important to go for larger models.
  • Their batteries have a limited lifespan and require regular maintenance.

Inverter-based backup systems

Inverter-based backup systems are also known as Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) systems. They use batteries to store power for emergencies. Here are their advantages and disadvantages.


  • They are designed to be silent and compact 
  • UPSs provide instant power during outages. This ensures seamless transitions.


  • UPSs are not the best option to go with if you want a backup for prolonged outages. They have limited backup time.
  • Their batteries have a limited lifespan.


I hope this article has answered the question “What is load shedding?” as well as how you can be prepared for it. While load shedding helps mitigate a lot of problems, it also comes with its effects, including economic losses, disruption to essential services, and inconveniences. It’s, therefore, important that we take proactive steps to prepare ourselves for load shedding.

Check out our backup solutions for load shedding and get ready to be safe during outages. Remember to consult with the team of Solar Paradise for any queries or concerns. 

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